Autumn leaves … Winter Light

And the light returns

Strange to say as darkness draws ever closer

Days contracting to shadows of their summer selves.


We city dwellers have been lost from sight and seeing in rural idylls

Shielded by curtains of leaves and branches

interlocking, tree behind tree

Cocooned in rural retreats,

Sometimes lairds and ladies roaming well managed country estates

At others, train passengers steaming through dense, dark forests

thousands of miles from civilisation.


Now city streets radiate from urban parks

marching over the hills, stretching beyond the horizon

and our commuter trains rattle along

behind suburban curtained windows

washing lines, back gardens, supermarkets and corner shops,

all revealed as the forest fades

leaves dissolving in the winter rain.


And the light streams back

Bringing the sights and sounds of a larger world

Less idyllic but wider

stretching our view

calling us beyond

to join the hustle and bustle

while our light escapes

rising up into the sky.

2017-11-17 09.50.12